Colony Transport Affects the Expression of Some Genes Related to the Apis mellifera L. Immune System


  • Maurice Fabian Scaloppi Center of Education, Science and Technology in Rational Beekeeping (NECTAR), College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, UNESP – São Paulo State University, Botucatu, Brazil
  • Samir Moura Kadri Center of Education, Science and Technology in Rational Beekeeping (NECTAR), College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, UNESP – São Paulo State University, Botucatu, Brazil
  • Daniel Diego Mendes Center of Education, Science and Technology in Rational Beekeeping (NECTAR), College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, UNESP – São Paulo State University, Botucatu, Brazil
  • Paulo Eduardo Martins Ribolla Institute of Biotechnology, UNESP - São Paulo State University, São Paulo, Botucatu, Brazil
  • Ricardo de Oliveira Orsi Departamento de Produção Animal e Medicina Veterinária Preventiva - Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP - Campus de Botucatu - São Paulo



beekeeping, colony transportation, stress, transportation management, welfare


Migratory beekeeping can harm the bee colonies if not executed properly. Here, colonies of Apis mellifera were transported (for one or two hours) or not, following proper technical standards. To analyze gene expression (defensin-1, abaecin, and HSP70), forager bees were collected immediately, 24, and 72 hours after transportation. Bee mortality and population growth were measured before and after transportation. This study concludes that transporting honey bee colonies for 2 hours promotes immune system gene expression, although there are no significant changes in bee mortality and population growth of the colonies.


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How to Cite

Scaloppi, M. F., Kadri, S. M., Mendes, D. D., Ribolla, P. E. M., & Orsi, R. de O. (2022). Colony Transport Affects the Expression of Some Genes Related to the Apis mellifera L. Immune System. Sociobiology, 69(4), e7522.



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